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Future Champions

Our Juniors Team

Why BJJ for kids?

The incredible benefits of participating in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be most evident when you see the positive impact it has on young people.

Now, more than ever it is important to develop resilience of mind and body to cope with the pressures of the world that our children live in.

We focus on developing a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and a love for Jiu Jitsu. Your child will learn valuable life lessons, while also staying active and healthy. Classes include learning the basic techniques, physical drills, games, and live training. 

Bullying in schools is a terrible reality that our kids have to deal with.  Our programme will give them the confidence, skills and strategies to deal with this.  They will learn how to protect themselves and be safe, avoiding or minimising the chance of violent confrontation - but if the worse happens, they will have the skills to defend themselves

















We have a Juniors Membership for 8 - 15 years. We run three classes per week training in both the Gi (BJJ kimono) and NoGi (shorts/ t-shirt).  The membership is £50 per month and gives access to a possible 12 classes per month.

Less than £4.50 per lesson for life changing benefits.

Our Credentials

Our Coaches are members of the UKBJJA.

They have undertaken an Enhanced DBA check.

They are First Aid trained.

They are continuously developing their skills for coaching young people to a high level of performance, through courses such as Safeguarding & Coaching Courses.



bjj competitors


We encourage our Juniors team to compete in local and national tournaments.  The courage and strength of character that comes from the act of stepping up to compete will influence everything they do. They will feel that they can cope with anything - their personal strength and resilience to tackle life will be enhanced.  The pressures of the modern world become insignificant when, at the weekend, for fun, you compete and put yourself to the ultimate test.

BJJ also teaches humility, self awareness and self control.

We will encourage the adoption of positive values in everything that your children do - not just on the mats.

Specific sessions for competition preparation will be provided and coaches will support your child every step of the way.

We welcome and encourage participation of ALL children.




All are welcome.  BJJ is a very inclusive sport - it has been used in a number of ways to support people with physical/mental health conditions & disabilities. e.g. The REORG Charity that uses BJJ to rehabilitate injured veterans.

 Also, participating in BJJ can be beneficial for neurodivergent kids.  Often, the physical, intellectual and neurological demands of BJJ command the stimulus and focus that ND individuals need in their lives.

Give your child the gift of BJJ

Keep your young ones active, making new friends and having fun - giving them tools that will serve them for the rest of their life.

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